Manaiakalani Ambassador
I wasn't really shy, thanks to the encouragement of my teacher and principal who helped me overcome my stage fright.
Hearing a whole selection of new subjects I didn't know existed was great. The other students there informed me well about what they did and I also enjoyed the humorous speeches and videos. I am looking forward to presenting my next speech.
Here’s the link to my speech. Check it out and give me a feedback on something I can improve next time. Here is the speech:
Kia Ora
My name is Miria Marsh and I am in year 8. I attend Ruapotaka School which is a full primary school on Taratoa street.
This year my class took on the task of hosting our Senior Syndicate Assembly. This meant we had to negotiate with each other and organise roles to present. The displaying of our work was to be included in our assembly. Making a selection of songs also needed to be added. This was difficult because we all had to agree with the song choices and they had to be appropriate for school-aged children.. We asked for requests from other teachers and classes and what they wanted to sing. We made a decision about a couple of songs as a class. We inserted the links to the songs on a google document so they were only a click away.
Next we made a Google document and shared it with everyone who was participating and contributing to the hosting of the assembly, so they could access it and we could then begin our collaboration.. Then we inserted a table and laid out our parts of the speech. We had to decide what items we wanted included in our assembly and who was going to say what and in what order they were to be said. We argued, agreed, disagreed, negotiated and finally came to a compromise on the schedule.
When this was completed, we had to memorize our speeches and present them loud and clear.
Finding students in my class who wanted to showcase their Independent Inquiry learning about Water Sustainability and Wastewise was simple.
Then five students including myself volunteered to display our visual arts and google presentations. Each of us had a WALT to state that was relevant to our artwork, and we obtained these WALTs through our classroom’s daily planner.
Our teacher went over what we decided and double checked everything made grammatical sense. Our teacher provided us with her opinions and we made changes as a group. In our classroom we are independent learners.
The assembly was under way and I thought it went better than I expected. Teachers complimented us on how well we had done. Our teacher, other classroom teachers as well as an observer who had come to watch our learning were impressed by the collaborative work we had done together and the co-operation that was needed in making this work for us.
Our assembly was done and dusted and each of us hostesses and hosts went into our Google drive and wrote a blurb about what we did to take part in our assembly. Our photos were taken while we were hosting the assembly and uploaded them to our class site. Each of us took a photo and inserted it into our blog.